Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton has welcomed the news that the National Roads Authority (NRA) is currently preparing contracts for work on the stretch of the N25 just east of the crossroads in Castlemartyr.
“The need for this work on this part of the N25 has been obvious for some time. I have been making representations on this matter since November 2013 following which the NRA were requested to include this area in their roads maintenance programme.
“I am delighted now that recent correspondence from the National Roads Office has indicated that funding has been made available and that a contract for work for the area is being prepared. I am further informed that it is hoped to be in a position to go to tender for this work by the end of September 2014. The contract will also include re-instating the yellow box at the entrance to the primary school.”
Deputy Stanton concluded by saying that these works, which were badly needed, will improve the surface for road users and also enhance road safety.