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Fine Gael Cork East TD, David Stanton, has welcomed his colleagues to East Cork, as Fine Gael holds its annual Parliamentary Party meeting.   The event is being held in Fota Island Resort Hotel on the 11th and 12th September.

“I am delighted that this year’s Parliamentary Party meeting is taking place in Fota in my constituency of Cork East.  I welcome the Taoiseach, Ministers, TDs, Senators and MEPS to the East Cork area.

“The event gives us all the opportunity to discuss issues of concern for our constituents and enables us to develop what our priorities will be for the next Dáil session.

“It is also a great opportunity for me to showcase the East Cork area as a whole. The tourism and enterprise potential of East Cork are two of its particular strengths.  There have been great advances in both these areas in recent years, but I believe further progress can be made with huge benefits for everyone living here.

“The event also gives me the chance to lobby for infrastructure and other projects we need to improve the facilities and amenities of the entire area.

“The theme of our meeting this year is “Securing and sustaining Ireland’s recovery” as we try to build on the success achieved to date in stabilising the economy and job creation. I am hopeful that these two days will be very productive in terms of policy ideas.  I also hope that many of my colleagues will extend their stay in East Cork to allow time to experience all that the region has to offer”.