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Successful applications by SECAD and Carrigtwohill Family Resource Centre

David Stanton, Fine Gael TD for Cork East and Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality today announced the projects that will receive funding under the €500,000 Communities Integration Fund. The funding announcement was made at a special event which was attended by representatives from the 129 community projects. Each project will receive grants of up to €5,000 for activities to support the integration of migrants in our communities.

Announcing the projects the Minister said: “I was delighted to launch this funding initiative earlier this year and I have been hugely impressed with the level of interest and volume of applications received. I am particularly pleased that, out of the 15 projects funded in Cork, two local projects have been successful – one from SECAD and the other from Carrigtwohill Family Resource Centre.

“I firmly believe that local community actions are key to integration. We want to support communities to play their part in making sure that migrants can play a full role in Irish society. We want to foster a sense of belonging among our migrant communities, such that all of us can experience the benefits of diversity. Activity at the local level is essential to achieving this. I am very pleased that we are able to support such a broad range of innovative projects and I wish them every success.”

Successful projects include intercultural festivals and events; initiatives to promote migrant participation in community sports; local anti-racism actions; youth and family resources; schools based integration projects; local supports for newly arrived migrants; and many more. The projects, which were selected following an open call for proposals, will take place
in 2017.