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New website

Families are set to benefit from more affordable childcare in September and Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton has advised visiting the new website to see what is available. The new website has been developed by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

“Since first entering Government, Fine Gael has introduced a number of changes to help families and children. A major part of this has been to reduce the cost of childcare for parents who are at work and at home.

“All parents can benefit from the introduction of the free pre-school year, which we have now extended for a second year which should provide an estimated average saving of €4,000 per child. To support working fathers we also introduced paid paternity leave for the first time ever. New fathers are now entitled to two weeks’ paid leave.

“With regard to the changes in childcare, from September an estimated 70, 000 children will get extra supports. Families will benefit in two ways: firstly through a universal support for all children aged 3 years and under and secondly, through a targeted income based support which aims to assist parents who may have been prevented from pursuing employment and training options because they cannot afford childcare.

“While we have made good progress in improving free early years education, childcare supports and paternity leave we also aim to continue to support childcare and education providers we aim to continue our focus on recognition of the contribution of childcare providers by improving supports available to them to ensure they can continue and expand their provision of quality accessible childcare

“I would encourage all parents to visit the new website and take the time to look at the supports available in the autumn.