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David with Young Fine Gael in Youghal

David with Young Fine Gael in Youghal

David on Youghal Canvass
David on Youghal Canvass

David Stanton, Fine Gael TD for Cork East recently canvassed Youghal town and the surrounding villages. David was joined by Cork County and Youghal Town Councillor, Barbara Murray and members of the recently established East Cork Branch of Young Fine Gael and other supporters. 

 I was pleased to get the opportunity to meet and engage voters in Youghal and also with voters in my home parish of Ladysbridge and Ballymacoda. It is clear that job creation, job retention and emigration are major issues in the Youghal area, as they are across the whole country. Youghal has been particularly badly hit on the job front with the last manufacturing industry in the town closing down last year,” said Deputy Stanton.

“Job creation is also a major focus of Fine Gael’s five point recovery plan to get Ireland working. We also have comprehensive plans to support small businesses which form the backbone of the Irish economy employing some 700,000 people. It is particularly important that indigenous enterprises in the Youghal and East Cork area are supported to they can continue to develop and offer employment in the locality.

“I am doing my best to support enterprise development in the Youghal area as is Cllr Barbara Murray. Cllr Murray is involved in Youghal Socio-Economic Development Group, which includes representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and FAS, and has been instrumental in securing funding from Enterprise Ireland to develop local industry. I understand that the enterprise centre is currently almost fully occupied and there are plans to extend the centre.

“Tourism is another area which I feel could be instrumental in job creation and the development of Youghal. For some time now I have been promoting the development of a Blackwater tourism initiative which would encompass the East Cork and West Waterford area along the river Blackwater. Youghal’s beautiful waterfront location offers huge potential for tourism and I believe there are plans to construct an eco-boardwalk in the town also.

“Youghal was once a very prosperous town and I fully believe that it can prosper once again. I would like to see an increased focus on enterprise development and tourism in this part of East Cork.

David's supporters on Youghal canvass

David's supporters on Youghal canvassDavid and Young Fine Gael in Ladysbridge

David Stanton TD canvassing