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Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton was canvassing his home parish of Ladysbridge – Ballymacoda recently. Deputy Stanton was accompanied by members of the newly formed East Cork Young Fine Gael.

“I was pleased to spend some time speaking to voters in Ballymacoda and Ladysbridge. I grew on my family’s farm just outside Ladysbridge and went to school here so am conscious of the issues affecting people here,” said David Stanton.

“Having Young Fine Gael members with me was a great help. It really drove home how concerned voters and young people are about their future. The rising cost of third level education and poor job opportunities are a real worry for young people and their parents. We must do all we can to ensure that all our young people are not forced to emigrate.

“Job creation is one of the main issues of this election campaign. We need to get the people of Ireland working again. Fine Gael has developed a 5 point recovery plan to create jobs, improve public finances, reform our public sector and our political and health systems. Full details of Fine Gael’s 5 point plan can be viewed at:

We have also developed comprehensive plans to support small businesses which form the backbone of employment in the country. For details of our plan to assist local indigenous businesses please go to my website at


Photos of David Stanton TD with members of East Cork Young Fine Gael in front of the Manchester Martyrs monumnet in his home parish of Ladysbridge and Ballymacoda
