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Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton has welcomed the Government’s decision to allocate €12,709 sports funding to Youghal Town Council. This funding is one of a number of location authority projects across the country which is being grant aided with the purpose of boosting participation in sport.

“I understand that the €12,709 allocated to Youghal Town Council, under this new targeted measure for local sports facilities, will go to Sli na Slainte Walking Route in Youghal. The funding allocation was announced by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring who recently visited Youghal town at my request.

“Youghal Town Council has also very recently been allocated a large grant of €400,000 for the development of Youghal Leisure Centre. “I hope that this additional funding for Sli na Slainte Walking Route will provide a further boost to tourism and sport in Youghal.