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For Oral Answer on : 07/07/2022
Question Number(s): 12 Question Reference(s): 36681/22
Department: Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Further and Higher Education; Research; Innovation and Science if he will list the uptake of apprenticeships by trade, sector and by county for each of the years 2020 to date in 2022, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


A key objective of the ‘Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025’ is to ensure that the apprenticeship system will increase its contribution to meeting Ireland’s skills and human capital requirements by delivering on a target of 10,000 apprenticeship registrations per annum by 2025.

At the end of June, there have been 3,057 apprentice registrations , made up of 2,667 craft and 390 consortia-led registrations.

In 2021, a record 8,607 new apprentices were registered in the apprenticeship system. This is an increase of nearly 40% compared to 2019, which was the last normal year of operations prior to the pandemic.

There were a total of 5,326 registrations in 2020, with registrations severely impacted by the pandemic and the shutdown of education and training facilities.

The bulk of apprenticeship up-take for craft apprentices over the last number of years has been focused on the construction sector, with electrical, plumbing, and carpentry and joinery being the most popular craft programmes in terms of registrations

So far this year, the software developer associate and accounting technician have seen the highest registrations for consortia-led apprenticeships. The bar manager apprenticeship has also seen very strong engagement with 38 apprentices registered, after being officially launched in May. This level of take-up is particularly welcome given skills shortages in hospitality.

SOLAS have advised that apprentice registrations are recorded by employer in each Education and Training Board (ETB) region rather than on a county basis.  Last year, the highest amount of apprentice registrations were to Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB, Cork ETB, and Louth-Meath ETB.

A full table of the registration figures by programme and by ETB region for the period 2020-2022 to date is being prepared and will be sent separately to the Deputy as soon as possible.