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Fine Gael TD for Cork East, David Stanton has said he is delighted that a site has been found to develop a youth café and youth centre in Midleton. Deputy Stanton learned today that Midleton Town Council are in the process of acquiring the old fire station in Midleton for the development.

“I am pleased that a location has been found for a centre for young people in Midleton. This is an issue on which I have been working for many years and I feel it is a vital service for a town the size of Midleton which has four second level schools and thousands of young people living in the town and surrounding area. These teenagers will, in the near future, have a safe, comfortable place in which to meet friends and socialise.

“I would like to congratulate Cork County Council and Midleton Town Council for their hard work and initiative in securing such a service for local young people. I know that SECAD and the HSE have also had a large input into the provision of a youth centre. This centre, when up and running should also complement the work that Cloyne Diocesan Youth Service, through Midleton Youth Project, have been carrying out here for many years.

“For many years I have seen the huge social need for a youth café and youth centre in Midleton. There are successful youth cafés in most large towns across the country and I believe that such a facility in Midleton will also be a success. I hope that once the old fire station is acquired that work can begin quickly on getting the centre up and running.