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Cork East Fine Gael TD and Minister of State for Equality, Immigration and Integration, David Stanton has highlighted the importance of diversity in the workplace and the need to promote polices which support diversity management. Minister Stanton’s comments were made when speaking at the 7th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum at Dublin Castle.

“Having diverse workforces can be a powerful engine for productivity for businesses and organisations and I am anxious that diversity and equality in the workplace be facilitated and promoted. I am currently overseeing the implementation and ongoing development of equality legislation in Ireland which will have clear implications in the workplace.

“Amendments to the Equal Status Acts and the Employment Equality Acts are currently being considered. Any such amendments will be brought forward in the Equality/Disability (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. This Bill will specifically prohibit discrimination against transgender persons specifically.

In addition to these statutory developments Minister Stanton is also due to commence work on the development of a new LGBTI Inclusion Strategy. This will be on an interdepartmental basis and relevant NGOs will be included in the process.

Speaking about the need for the integration of migrants in Ireland Minister Stanton also confirmed that a new and updated Migrant Integration Strategy will shortly be completed.

“This new Strategy will include a strong anti-racism component with specific areas for action to promote intercultural awareness and to combat racism and xenophobia. I would also ask employers to be aware role of technology, in particular the development of social media policies to guard against the use of these platforms to spread negative messages or racist and sexist mistruths in the workplace.