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For Oral Answer on : 08/03/2022
Question Number(s): 54 Question Reference(s): 12706/22
Department: Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Further and Higher Education; Research; Innovation and Science the number of local training initiatives currently in operation; his Department’s plans to expand this number; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


The Local Training Initiatives (LTI) is a project-based training and work experience programme operating under the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) in partnership with community and voluntary organisations.  In 2021, the ETBs provided 212 LTI courses nationwide which attracted over 2,000 learners.   Training provision organised through LTIs is not intended to be permanent and it is this aspect that gives ETBs the flexibility to use resources in the community in response to emerging needs.  LTI programmes enable local communities to carry out valuable and necessary projects of benefit to their communities are designed for unemployed people who are experiencing difficulty in gaining entry to the labour market. The importance of the role played by the LTI within overall ETB provision is well recognised.

All ETB provision is subject to annual funding requests and allocations based on learner demand. The Future FET: Transforming Learning National Strategy 2020-2024 sets out the ambition and vision for the further education and training system over this period. The expansion of any FET provision will be considered in line with implementation of the Strategy, which will be supported by the new Strategic Performance Agreements between SOLAS and the 16 ETBs which are currently in development.

My Department is committed to the continuing development of the LTIs and the important services that they provide to learners within communities.