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Funding of €123,500 available rural development projects in Cork East

Funding of €83,500 has been allocated to initiatives in East and North Cork under the CLAR programme and €40,000 under the Rural Recreation Scheme (REDZ) programme.

A number of schools and community groups in this constituency applied for and were awarded funding for road improvement and safety measures.

CLAR and the REDZ programme and the Town and Village Renewal Scheme were established to help deliver Government funding to encourage economic growth and improve amenities in rural communities and stimulate regional development. These schemes are complemented by an Action Plan for Rural Development which was launched by the Government recently.  The Action Plan is aimed at delivering real change for people living and working in the country.

Community Hospitals Funding

2016 saw the announcement of a huge investment in East Cork community hospitals. A total of €15.32 million was allocated to improve facilities in Midleton Community Hospital, Youghal Community Hospital, St Patrick’s Community Hospital, Fermoy, and Cois Abhainn in Youghal.

This investment in community and older people’s healthcare facilities in East Cork is unparalleled. While the necessary works in some cases will take a few years to complete, all the works on all the facilities should be completed by the end of 2020.

Midleton Community Hospital and Long Stay Unit will receive the highest allocation in the area, with €10.3 million being put aside for virtually a new facility which will be completed by 2020.

Youghal Community Hospital was allocated €2.67 million for substantial refurbishment works to conclude in 2019 and Cois Abhainn in Youghal will benefit from €350,000 for works to be completed this year.

St Patrick’s Community Hospital in Fermoy will receive €2 million for refurbishment works to be concluded in 2018.

This investment in East Cork should go a long way to ensure the future viability of these hospitals as they will meet the highest standards as set out by HIQA.  It will benefit both the older members of our community and their families too, together with the staff who care for them.

Sports Capital Programme 2017

The Sports Capital Programme was reinstated by the last Fine Gael government in 2012 in recognition of the importance of investing in community sports facilities. In 2016, €22.8 million has been paid out to 680 organisations through the Sports Capital Programme.

Many sports groups and clubs in East and North Cork have benefited previously from funding. Approximately €30 million is made available for 2017.