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The Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality will continue hearings the proposed Mediation Bill tomorrow, 23rd May when it will meet with Karen Erwin, President from The Mediators’ Institute of Ireland.

A draft general scheme of a Mediation Bill was published in March by the Department of Justice and it was sent to the Committee for consideration. The aim of the proposed Bill is to encourage the use of mediation in resolving civil, commercial and family disputes.

Chairman of the Committee, Deputy David Stanton said: “The draft Bill aims to provide people with an alternative to the courts to resolve disputes and in doing so, reduce legal costs and speed up resolution of disputes by providing an alternative to litigation. Tomorrow, we will meet with Karen Erwin which will provide us with an opportunity to receive input from a key stakeholder on the proposed Bill. It will also allow members of the Committee to tease out proposals and concerns in order to make a report which we hope will be launched before the end of May.”

This meeting will start tomorrow, Wednesday 23rd May, in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000 at 1.45pm.

At 3pm Minister of Justice, Equality and Defence Alan Shatter TD will attend the meeting of the Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality for the 2012 Revised Estimates for Public Services –
(i) Vote 35 (Army Pensions); and
Vote 36 (Defence) [Minister for Defence]; and
(ii) Vote 20 (Garda Síochána);
Vote 21 (Prisons);
Vote 22 (Courts Service);
Vote 23 (Property Registration Authority); and
Vote 24 (Justice and Equality).

Committee proceedings can be followed live at: