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Dail Eireann

To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the input he has in the creation of a new Inland Fisheries Service to replace the Fisheries Board; the role his Department will have in relation to funding and management of the new service; and if he will make a statement on the matter. – David Stanton.

For ORAL answer on Thursday, 12th March, 2009.

Ref No: 5048/09


Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Mr. S. Power)

As the Deputy is aware, as part of the overall rationalisation of State agencies that the Minister for Finance announced in Budget 2009, a new national inland fisheries body will be established, which will replace the existing Central and Regional Fisheries Boards. This is settled Government policy and the Department is working towards its implementation. A restructuring implementation group, chaired by the Department and consisting of representatives of the Central and Regional Fisheries Boards, has been established and is developing the key features and structures of the new model. Primary legislation will be required for this implementation and work on the draft Heads of Bill is at an advanced stage. It is my intention to publish details of the draft Heads in the coming weeks.

The Department will continue to be responsible for the disbursement of Exchequer resources to, and the corporate governance of, the replacement authority.