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QUESTION NO: 153 to the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Ms. Brady)for WRITTEN ANSWER on 29/04/2009

* To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of home care packages currently in operation in the Cork area; the number of staff employed and the number of hours involved; the cost of these home care packages; if she will outline typically what is involved in a home care package; and if she will make a statement on the matter.- David Stanton T.D.


As this is a service matter it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.

QUESTION NO: 523 to the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. Moloney) for WRITTEN ANSWER on 27/01/2009

* To ask the Minister for Health and Children the budget that her Department is making available to the Health Service Executive in 2009 to enable the employment of personal assistants for people with disabilities; and if she will make a statement on the matter.- David Stanton


The Health Service Executive (HSE) National Service Plan for 2009, provides in excess of €1.5 billion for the provision of specialist disability services in 2009. The National Service Plan makes provision for 3.2 million hours of personal assistance services for people with a disability in 2009. This represents the same level of service from 2008 and an increase of 200,000 hours since 2007.

QUESTION NO: 531 to the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children (Mr. Moloney) for WRITTEN ANSWER on 27/01/2009

* To ask the Minister for Health and Children further to Parliamentary Question No. 217 of 9 December 2008, the number of personal assistants currently employed or funded by the Health Service Executive through the assisted living service in each HSE area; the number of these located in the Cork area of the HSE south; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

David Stanton T.D.


The Health Service Executive (HSE) National Service Plan for 2009, provides in excess of €1.5 billion for the provision of specialist disability services in 2009. The National Service Plan makes provision for 3.2 million hours of personal assistance services for people with a disability in 2009. This represents the same level of service from 2008 and an increase of 200,000 hours since 2007.

As the Deputy’s specific question regarding the number and location of personal assistants relates to service matters, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.

QUESTION NO: 331 for WRITTEN ANSWER on 19/02/2008

* To ask the Minister for Health and Children if stage two of the national review of Health Service Executive funded adult day services was completed in 2007; if a progress report on same has been completed; and if she will make a statement on the matter.- David Stanton T.D.


The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy.

QUESTION NO: 462for WRITTEN ANSWER on 30/01/2008

* To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of applications for profiling beds to enable people with specific illnesses or disabilities to be cared for in their own homes for longer, that are awaiting approval in the respective Health Service Executive areas across the State; the typical length of time it takes from receipt of such an application to delivery of a profiling bed to a patient; and if she will make a statement on the matter. – David Stanton


The Deputy’s question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy.

QUESTION NO: 463 for WRITTEN ANSWER on 30/01/2008

* To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of applications for home helps awaiting approval in the various Health Service Executive areas; and if she will make a statement on the matter. – David Stanton T.D


Operational responsibility for the management and delivery of health and personal social services was assigned to the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Therefore, the Executive is the appropriate body to consider the particular matter raised by the Deputy. My Department has requested the Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Executive to arrange to have the matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy.

For further information contact: David Stanton, TD,
Constituency Office, 29 St Mary’s Road, Midleton, Co. Cork. Tel: 021 4632867, Fax: 021 4621133