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Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton, has confirmed that the Office of Public Works (OPW) has approved a funding allocation of €34,392 to be granted to Cork County Council for the repair and replacement of the existing tidal sluice gate at Pilmore, Youghal.

Speaking after the allocation had been confirmed, David Stanton said: “I have no doubt that the OPW’s funding allocation will be welcomed by those in Pilmore and the wider Youghal area. This funding totalling over €34,000 has been granted to Cork County Council under the Minor Works application to replace the existing Pilmore Sluice Gate and conduct associated repair works to the bank.

“The current tidal sluice gate in place on the Womanagh River has sustained damage which has prevented it from functioning properly and has led to instances of flooding at Pilmore where road users have had difficulty in accessing or leaving nearby properties. I have made representations to Cork County Council and to the Minister for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief on the need for repair works to be conducted and I am delighted that the OPW has now outlined its intention to provide funding as part of the Minor Works scheme to ensure that the situation is remedied”, concluded Deputy Stanton.