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Fine Gael TD for Cork East and Minister of State at the Department of Justice, David Stanton has welcomed the publication of Project Ireland 2040, the €116 billion national development plan. The plan, full details of which can be found at , will bring great benefits for east and north Cork through real investment and proper planning.

“In the first version of Fine Gael’s Republic of Opportunity document, we said it is time to plan for what Ireland is going to look like in 2040. This is our plan for the future of Ireland. For the first time in the history of the State, our spatial planning is backed up with solid investment and it will deliver for our citizens. Project Ireland 2040 provides the national policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of our country. It includes a detailed capital investment plan up until 2027 and the National Planning Framework 2040. Projects contained in the plan will ensure sustainable growth into the future”, said Minister Stanton.

“The National Planning Framework which forms part of Project Ireland 2040 sets out how Ireland can grow in a sustainable, balanced fashion over the next twenty years. Our population is expected to have increased to 6 million people by 2040 and, without any State intervention, this will result in ongoing shift in population and jobs towards Dublin and the neighbouring counties. This is not in anyone’s interests. 50% of population growth is planned for our towns, villages and rural communities and 50% for our cities. Project Ireland 2040 is backed and supported up by a €116 billion National Development Plan.

“I was pleased to see a number of major road infrastructure projects in Cork included in the national development plan. €0.9 billion is being invested in the M20 Cork to Limerick Road to improve road safety and connectivity between the two cities. The N8/25 Dunkettle Interchange will see a major upgrade and move to a free flow system. The section of the N25 from Carrigtwohill to Midleton will also be upgraded. The Mallow Relief Road is to be progressed and will provide important relief for town centre congestion, as well as facilitating access to key supply and market routes for north Cork’s largest town.