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Cork East Fine Gael TD and Minister of State at the Department of Justice, David Stanton has welcomed the publication of plans for a slip road at Lakeview Roundabout, Midleton. The Part 8 planning application published by Cork County Council details the plans for the proposed slip road.

“The N25 Lakeview Roundabout Slip Road Scheme proposes to construct a slip road to allow traffic approaching the roundabout from the Whitegate road (R630) access the N25 to Cork without entering the roundabout. This should substantially relieve congestion and tailbacks on the roundabout, particularly in the mornings.

“I am very pleased that this important step has been taken towards the progression of the slip road project. This is a matter that I have been raising with Cork County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland for some time and should reduce congestion and also commuting times. It should also enhance road safety.

“Anyone interested in viewing the planning application can find the full detail on display in Cork County Council offices on the Youghal Road in Midleton,” concluded Minister Stanton