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Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton, will question the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD on the progress in the provision of a new second level and a new primary school in Carrigtwohill.

The Five Year Building Plan for the Department of Education and Skills includes a commitment to provide a new second level school in Carrigtwohill and a new primary school which will amalgamate the existing two primary schools. According to the Department’s plans these new schools are due to go to construction in 2014-2015.

I understand that there has been some progress with regard to the new primary school, however, I would like to see some progress on the new second level school. Carritwohill is fortunate to have an excellent second level girls’ school, St Aloysius, however boys from the area, on completion of primary school, must travel to either Midleton, Glanmire or Cork City for second level. The population figures for the Carrigtwohill area show a clear need for another school to accommodate the growing population in the town.

I am looking forward to getting an update from Minister Quinn on Thursday.