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Cork East Fine Gael TD, David Stanton has welcomed (todays) announcement that Cork County Council are to receive an additional €5.8 million in road funding. This funding, from the Department of Transport, must be used for local and regional road improvements and must be spent in 2013.

“I am pleased that Cork County Council is to receive an exchequer grant of €5,818,342 for the upkeep and maintenance of roads in Cork County. This funding is in addition to the normal allocation for this year and should assist the Council in financing road repairs, which has become increasingly challenging in recent years.

“The purpose of the exchequer grants is to supplement Local Authority spending on road repairs, which they are responsible for under law. I understand that the exchequer grant also in part reflects the record of Local Authorities in respect of discretionary funding repairs from the own resources and efforts to date to implement efficiency and savings. As a result, I am pleased that Cork County Council are to receive more than 10% of the total €50 million being made available by the Department of Transport as the road network in Cork is extensive in comparison to other counties.

“As a public representative, I receive may calls from constituents relating to conditions of local and regional roads. I understand that this additional allocation is to be directed primarily at surface restoration works of these roads while applications can be made to the Department of Transport for use of part of this funding for urgent safety schemes if necessary.

“Given that this additional €5.8 million must be spent in 2013, I imagine it will be available to Cork County Council immediately to ensure necessary road repairs can be completed without delay.