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For Written Answer on : 19/10/2021
Question Number(s): 293 Question Reference(s): 51288/21
Department: Environment, Climate and Communications
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications the amount expended on the solar electricity grant in each year since its inception; the number of these installations that have been completed to date; and if he will make a statement on the matter.  – David Stanton. 

* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 19th October, 2021.     

Ref No: 51288/21 Proof: 292


I propose to take Questions Nos.  293 , 301   and 302    together.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) administers the grant scheme to help homeowners to install solar PV panels on their home. The scheme was launched in July 2018. The table below outlines the scheme statistics for each year. Figures for 2021 are as at 30 September 2021.

YearNo. of homesValue of support (€)MW installedCo2 saved (tonnes)
2021 (ytd)2,3285,333,2189.12,390

26.2 MW installed under the scheme to date equates to an annual output of 20,960 MWhs, which equates to supporting 64.6% of the annual demand for these homes.
€10 million is allocated for the scheme in 2022, an increase on the €8 million allocation for 2021. The number of grants which could be achieved in 2022 with this level of funding, as well as the average value of grants and the impact of the scheme in terms of MW installed and emissions avoided, is dependent on factors such as installation size, the rate of battery installations etc., which vary between applications.
Grant supports for domestic solar PV in 2022 will align with the upcoming Clean Export Guarantee tariff and other supports to be offered under the planned Micro-generation Support Scheme (MSS). My Department is developing a final scheme design for the MSS, and it is expected that a proposal on the supports to be offered will be submitted to Government later this year.