Summer Time has been extended by 4 weeks in US
Speaking before clocks are due to go back this weekend, signalling the end to Summer Time, Fine Gael Cork East TD, David Stanton, has pointed out that Summer Time has been extended in the United States by four weeks, and added that it is time we fully addressed the issue here.
“Americans don’t turn their clocks back until Sunday 3rd November 2013, one week later than we do in Europe, and they will be introducing Summer Time on the 9th March 2014, whereas we in Europe will have to wait until 30th March, three weeks later.
“Earlier this year, Deputy Tommy Broughan introduced a Private Members Bill in the Dáil which included a proposal to extend Summer Time all year round. This Bill has now been referred to the Joint Committee for Justice, Equality and Defence.
“As Chairman of the Committee, I will be considering this issue in full with my colleagues. I will suggest that we invite submissions on the issue and that we may hold hearings later in the year.
“I will also be asking colleagues to liaise with our parliamentary counterparts in Westminster, in Scotland, and the Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies, in order to see if there are any advantages to either promoting the American extension or indeed the ideas contained in Deputy Broughan’s Bill.
“This is an issue that has been discussed for long enough and it is about time that we did some serious work on it.”