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Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Women, past and present, have much to celebrate and be proud of in many spheres – whether it is political, economic, social, sporting or scientific, according to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality as it marked International Women’s Day.

Chairman of the Committee, Deputy David Stanton said: “International Women’s Day is a fitting recognition of the achievements of women in many walks of life. Here in Ireland and around the world it is a day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. However, it is fair to acknowledge that much work remains to facilitate the full participation of women in all spheres of life – the low numbers of women going forward for election to public office and elected to the Oireachtas being just one example. There is an onus on us all to encourage women to participate fully in all sectors of society and actively seek to remove any barriers whether real or perceived to facilitate this participation.”

Vice Chair Anne Ferris said: “The Committee would like to honour and celebrate women’s contribution to our society in the past and present. International Women’s Day has its origins in the socialist movement of the early 20th century when it honoured the work of the Suffragette movement to gain voting rights for women. While celebrating women’s success in all sectors, it also serves to remind us of the inequities and obstacles that remain to the full participation of women in society globally.”