Local Men’s Shed groups have been encouraged to apply for a new round of funding by Cork East Fine Gael TD and Minister of State at the Department of Justice, David Stanton. A total of €500,000 has been made available by the Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring to support the work of Men’s Shed groups throughout Ireland.
“Men’s Sheds have become central to some 400 communities throughout Ireland. They provide an invaluable service by helping to tackling social isolation which in turn strengthens local communities. Companionship and a sense of place is vital to our mental wellbeing, and the Men’s Sheds provide this type of space”, said Minister Stanton.
“This capital funding will enable individual Men’s Sheds to purchase equipment or to carry out minor works to improve their premises through the provision of small grants. Last year Men’s Shed groups in Carrigtwohill, Cobh, Fermoy, Glounthaune, Mallow, Midleton and Youghal were all successful in their applications for funding. Each of the groups received grants of €1449 for tools and equipment.
“I would encourage all Men’s Shed groups, which are affiliated to the Irish Men’s Sheds Association, to apply for this funding. I understand that Women’s Shed groups are also eligible to apply. Applications must be made directly to Local Community Development Committees. Further information regarding the application process and deadline will be available shortly from www.drcd.gov.ie”.