For Oral Answer on : 01/12/2022
Question Number(s): 119 Question Reference(s): 59831/22
Department: Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.
To ask the Minister for Further and Higher Education; Research; Innovation and Science further to Parliamentary Question No. 91 of 18 October 2022, if the operational guidelines working group has presented its report; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
The Operational Guidelines Working Group (OGWG) is an internal working group formed under the auspices of Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI).
The terms of reference for the group are to review the operational guidelines for Community Training centres (CTCs), Specialist Training Provision (STP) and Local Training Initiatives (LTIs) within the FET sector.
In establishing the effectiveness of the current Operational Guidelines, the OGWP is examining the practices relating to learner registration, induction, attendance, holidays, sick leave as well as the termination and extension of training and the disciplinary procedures.
The OGWP comprises representatives from individual ETBs and relevant stakeholders are invited to meetings of the group where relevant issues are to be discussed.
The Working Group started its work in June 2022 and reports on its progress to the ETBI Directors Forum. While I understand that it is not proposed that a formal external report will be published, the work of the Group will inform the revision of the Operating Guidelines.