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For Written Answer on : 24/05/2023
Question Number(s): 130 Question Reference(s): 25043/23
Department: Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Housing; Local Government and Heritage with reference to the new funding scheme announced on 28 April 2022, and targeting the wastewater collection and treatment needs of villages and settlements without access to public waste water services under his Department’s Multi-Annual Rural Water Programme 2022-2025, if he will outline the requests submitted by Cork County Council for funding for specific priority projects; the applications which were successful for such funding; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


I can confirm that all rural local authorities submitted their priority requests for funding under the scheme before the deadline of 15 September 2022. 

An independent Expert Panel has critically evaluated each application and based on a report from the Panel, recommendations for funding will be made shortly.

I can further confirm that Cork County Council submitted two applications, for Glantane and Graball Bay (Crosshaven).