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The publication of a Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities has been welcomed by Cork East Fine Gael TD and Chair of the Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality. The strategy should assist people with disabilities to participate more fully in society and live more independently.

“This new cross departmental employment strategy for people with disabilities was developed by the National Disability Strategy Implementation Group and the National Disability Authority in consultation with disability stakeholder groups. It aims to address the barriers people with disabilities face when trying to gain access to, and remain in, the labour market”, said Deputy Stanton.

The Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities, which covers a ten year period, contains six strategic priorities:
1. Build skills, capacity and independence
2. Provide supports into and in work
3. Make work pay
4. Promote job retention and re-entry into work
5. Provide co-ordinated and seamless support
6. Engaging with employers

“The Comprehensive Employment Strategy forms part of a wider process of engagement with people with disabilities, their representatives and disability organisation being conducted by the Government. Earlier this year a consultation process aimed at developing a new National Disability Inclusions Strategy was launched and work is ongoing with that. As out economy improves the Government is examining ways to ensure our most vulnerable also benefit from this growth.

“Employment is one of the best ways to help people out of poverty and people with disabilities are twice as likely to be out of work as people without disabilities. Work enables people to live independently and improves well-being. For people with disabilities who may not be in a position to work, we are also looking at the introduction of personalised budgets to allow for choice and control over health and other services.

“I would urge anyone wanted to find out more about the new Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities to go to: