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For Written Answer on : 01/06/2022
Question Number(s): 61 Question Reference(s): 28231/22
Department: Environment, Climate and Communications
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


[Ref No.: 28231/22]

*  To ask the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications the Government policy in relation to payment for surplus energy which is fed back into the national grid by small commercial businesses using photovoltaic roof panels; and if he will make a statement on the matter. – David Stanton.

*    For WRITTEN answer on Wednesday, 1st June, 2022.

(529  Received on 17th May, 2022.)


I signed Regulations on 15 February which impose an obligation on suppliers to provide the Clean Export Guarantee (CEG) tariff for micro-and small-scale generators so that they will receive payment for all surplus renewable electricity they export to the grid, reflective of the market value.

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published a decision on an interim enabling framework on 1 December 2021, which outlines the interim arrangements for the implementation of the CEG, including eligibility criteria and remuneration methodology. The CRU has decided that suppliers will set their individual CEG tariffs on a competitive market basis. Several suppliers are now advertising their CEG tariffs.

Eligible customers are already accruing the value of the CEG for exported electricity and payments, which will commence after 1 July, will be backdated to the date of eligibility or the 15th February, whichever is latest. Under the Microgeneration Support Scheme the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland will extend the domestic solar PV grant scheme to businesses in the near future, with a maximum grant of €2,400 available.

Non-domestic projects greater than 6kW up to 50kW will be eligible for the Clean Export Premium (CEP) tariff per kWh exported for a period of 15 years from their electricity supplier. The CEP will be €0.135/kWh in 2022. Any shortfall between the CEP tariff and wholesale electricity prices will be supported by the Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy. Exported volumes of electricity eligible for the CEP tariff will be capped at 80% of generation capacity to incentivise self-consumption. The CRU will undertake a public consultation on the implementation plan for the CEP in Q3 2022.