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renewable heat

National Biomethane Strategy

By Dáil Éireann, Parliamentary Questions
______________________________________________For Written Answer on : 17/01/2024Question Number(s): 127 Question Reference(s): 1721/24Department: Environment, Climate and CommunicationsAsked by: David Stanton T.D.______________________________________________QUESTION To ask the Minister for the Environment; Climate and Communications further to Parliamentary Question No. 118…
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Biomethane production

By Dáil Éireann, Parliamentary Questions
______________________________________________For Oral Answer on : 15/06/2023Question Number(s): 117 Question Reference(s): 28880/23Department: Environment, Climate and CommunicationsAsked by: David Stanton T.D.______________________________________________QUESTION To ask the Minister for the Environment; Climate and Communications to outline his plans to support…
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Renewable fuel production

By Dáil Éireann, Parliamentary Questions
______________________________________________For Oral Answer on : 15/12/2022Question Number(s): 139 Question Reference(s): 62790/22Department: Environment, Climate and CommunicationsAsked by: David Stanton T.D.______________________________________________QUESTION To ask the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications the way that he is supporting…
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