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The construction of a grass margin between the Lakeview roundabout and the intersection between the Rocky Road and the N25 without the inclusion of a footpath has been strongly criticised by Fine Gael Cork East TD, David Stanton. Speaking in Midleton Deputy Stanton slammed the National Roads Authority (NRA) for their highhanded approach.

“People have been walking on this stretch of road for decades and now the National Roads Authority (NRA) have with one fell swoop created a situation where pedestrians, and especially people with buggies and wheelchair users will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to walk on this stretch of roadway. Even cyclists have been put at risk by the action of the NRA.

Deputy Stanton went on to say that common sense would have dictated that the speed limit be moved out at least beyond the intersection of the N25 and the Rocky Road, and that a footpath be included in the grass margin.

“The under-pass that was put in place decades ago contains a lot of steps and its construction would certainly not be tolerated today. It is almost impossible for wheelchair users and people with buggies to gain access to the town by this route. It is also in a terrible condition with litter and graffiti and people are fearful of using it.

Deputy Stanton said that this is but one small example of a national quango operating without any sense of the needs of the people that it was set up to serve.