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For Written Answer on : 27/06/2024
Question Number(s): 232 Question Reference(s): 27745/24
Department: Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Children; Equality; Disability; Integration and Youth the number of homes currently hosting beneficiaries of temporary protection and receiving an accommodation recognition payment arranged through the Red Cross; the number accommodated through the offer of a home scheme operated by each respective local authority and the number by privately organised hosting arrangements, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter.



Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, my Department continues to work as part of the whole-of-Government response with a focus on providing access to emergency temporary accommodation to those fleeing the conflict who request it, in line with Government policy. To date, approximately 108,000 beneficiaries of temporary protection (BOTPs) have arrived in Ireland and approximately 85,000 of those have been referred to my Department seeking accommodation from the State.

My Department does not collate the information in the manner requested by the Deputy in relation to the number of homes currently hosting BOTPs through the Irish Red Cross or the number of privately organised hosting arrangements.

The table below provides information in relation to the number of properties currently in receipt of the Accommodation Recognition Payment and the number properties pledged to the Irish Red Cross since the start of the scheme. 


Properties currently in receipt of the Accommodation Recognition Payment 13,830* 
Properties pledged   to the Irish Red Cross where a Beneficiary of Temporary Protection (BOTP) was   ever hosted.  5,133

*Figures are provided by the Department of Social Protection who administer the scheme on behalf of my Department.

I should point out to the Deputy  that figures related to properties pledged to the Irish Red Cross are  cumulative figures since the war began in 2022 and do not reflect properties currently hosting BOTPs.

The Accommodation Recognition Payment is open to those who have pledged accommodation to the Irish Red Cross, ‘Offer a Home’ and to those who have made hosting arrangements privately.

The Deputy might wish to refer questions regarding figures relating to the ‘Offer a Home’ Scheme to my colleague the Minister for Housing Local Government and Heritage. 

My Department regularly publishes information at County and Local Authority level on the website ( – Accommodation of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BOTPs) (

The Deputy may also be interested in the CSO series “Arrivals from Ukraine in Ireland” (