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An Bord Pleanala opens public consultation on Cobh and Estuary plans

Works are ongoing in Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project which will serve the entire harbour area said Cork East Fine Gael TD and Minister of State, David Stanton has said. Over €90 million has been earmarked for the project which, in addition to the new wastewater treatment plant at Shanbally will include a number of new large pumping stations and additional infrastructure.

“The new wastewater treatment plant at Shanbally will be using new biological treatment system, currently only in use at Carrigtwohill plant and in Clonakilty, which wil be cleaner and reduce odours. It will have the capacity for population equivalent of 80,000 and will treat wastewater from homes and businesses in Passage West, Monkstown, Ringaskiddy, Crosshaven, Carrigaline, Glenbrook, Shanbally, Coolmore and Cobh.

“Since the granting of planning permission by An Bord Pleanala specific details of the project have been finalised for the northern side of Cork Lower Harbour project. These details include the finalised locations of pumping stations in Cobh and the pipeline and estuary crossing have been submitted by Irish Water to An Bord Pleanala for inclusion in the planning permission. It is these plans which An Bord Pleanala has decided to put forward for public consultation.

“The public consultation process was launched on Monday 14th November 2016 will run for a total of four weeks. It is a great opportunity for members of the public put forward their views and opinions on the plans. Information relating to the plans and the request to An Bord Pleanala, is available at both the offices of Cork County Council and An Bord Pleanala and will also be available on the Irish Water project website at:

“The Cork Harbour Main Drainage Project will allow us to comply with EU and Irish legislation. In addition to the environmental and health benefits of improved water quality, it will also have a positive impact on the local economy by facilitating commercial development and future population growth”, concluded Minister Stanton