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For Oral Answer on : 02/05/2024
Question Number(s): 81 Question Reference(s): 19866/24
Department: Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure; National Development Plan Delivery and Reform further to the visit of the OPW Minister to Pilmore, Youghal and the Womanagh River, Ballymacoda, County Cork in November 2022, the actions taken by his Department since to address issues in both areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter.



Under the OPW’s the Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme, the OPW provides 90% funding for localised flooding and coastal protection measures undertaken by a local authority. To date, five projects have been approved for a total of €245,892 for Youghal, for both coastal and flooding issues at Pilmore and Gortroe, including for repair of sluice gates and deepening of drains, of which four projects are now complete.

In 2021, under the Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme, the OPW approved €34,392 to Cork County Council for the repair and replacement of a tidal sluice gate and associated works at Pilmore, Youghal. The drainage and sluice at Pilmore, Youghal were not functioning adequately and therefore properties and agricultural land were at risk from flooding during very high tides. These works were successfully completed in September 2023.

The OPW also approved a Minor Works Scheme application for Pilmore Cottages in June 2023, for funding of €121,500 to complete a Coastal Erosion Risk Management Study. The study area includes the shoreline adjacent to PiImore Cottages, and extends from Youghal to Ring on County Cork’s coastline. Cork County Council have since appointed consultants to conduct this study who have prepared an inception report, which is currently under review by OPW.

The Womanagh River does not form part of an Arterial Drainage Scheme, under the Arterial Drainage Acts of 1945 and 1995. Therefore, the OPW has no responsibility for the maintenance of the river. Stretches of the Womanagh River, that form the Womanagh drainage district, are the responsibility of Cork County Council to maintain. From 2007 to 2012 the OPW assisted on a pilot basis with embankment repair works for a length of the embankment downstream of Crompaun Bridge, on the west side of the river, at an estimated cost of approximately €275,000. The OPW does not maintain these embankments, as they are Land Commission embankments.

In relation to Ballymacoda Village, the OPW has contacted Cork County Council and the OPW understands the Council has no further works planned on the Womanagh River at the present time.