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Cork East Fine Gael TD and Minister of State at the Department of Justice & Equality, David Stanton has welcomed the confirmation that Cork County Council has been allocated more than €36 million in roads funding in 2017.

“Cork County Council will receive a total of €36,049,508 to maintain, develop and improve local and regional roads in Cork County. This funding is part of a national investment programme of €324 million in 2017 which constitutes a 9% increase on last year’s allocation which was made possible due to recent economic growth”, said Minister Stanton.

“The €36 million funding includes general allocations and monies paid under a number of different funding streams aimed at improving the safety and standards of regional and local roads in Cork. These include restoration maintenance, safety improvement works, bridge rehabilitation and specific improvement grants and a number of specific projects in my constituency of Cork East will benefit this year.

“A total of €195,000 will be allocated under the Bridge Rehabilitation Works scheme for the following projects:
L5336 Lombardstown North Bridge Mallow €50,000
L1419 Mountain Barrack Bridge Fermoy €50,000
R639 Kilworth Culvert Kilworth €45,000
L7848 Lissacrue Culverts Castlemartyr €30,000
L3822 Golf Links Road Retaining Wall Youghal €20,000

“Road safety is also a very important part of the funding allocation with the following Safety Improvement Works projects in Cork East receiving a total of €108,000:

L-36977-0 Aislin Road Midleton €50,000
R632 Mullins Cross Garryvoe €18,000
R522/L1319 Lackaroe Cross Buttevant €15,000
R512-136 Johnstown Glanworth €13,000
L1430 Church Hill Mitchelstown €12,000

“This funding for to Cork County Council for road improvements will make a big difference to people and businesses locally and should help to stimulate local economic activity. Earlier this week the Government also launched its Action Plan for Rural Ireland available at: which will help to deliver benefits to communities across East and North Cork.

Contact: David Stanton TD: Tel: 0214632867;