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For Written Answer on : 08/02/2023
Question Number(s): 511 Question Reference(s): 6180/23
Department: Rural and Community Development
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development the way in which other State or local authority funds can be used in conjunction with community centres investment fund-funding to carry out works; and if she will make a statement on the matter.


The Government is aware of the challenges facing community and voluntary organisations and I was delighted to secure a further €20 million in funding under Budget 2023 to continue the Community Centres Investment Fund.
This builds on the funding approved under the fund in 2022 under which applicants could seek funding for elements of a wider project for which funding from other sources such as SEAI Better Energy Communities Scheme.  LEADER funding could also be used alongside the Community Centres Investment Fund, so long as the applicants satisfied the criteria outlined in the fund guidelines.

It is intended that the 2023 fund will be targeted primarily at new build community centres. The detail of the 2023 scheme is currently being developed by officials within my Department, and it is my intention to announce the details of the 2023 fund in quarter 1.