For Written Answer on : 23/04/2024
Question Number(s): 494 Question Reference(s): 17899/24
Department: Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.
To ask the Minister for Agriculture; Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question No. 1056 of 20 March 2024, to outline the progress made by his Department in presenting the ash dieback action plan for Cabinet approval; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
A detailed Ash dieback action plan is being prepared by Minister of State, Senator Pippa Hackett and is due to be submitted to Cabinet over the coming weeks. This will outline comprehensive actions by my Department to deal with the issue of ash dieback. Detailed deliberations are taking place to ensure an efficient, appropriate and proportionate response.
As part of the Forest Strategy Implementation plan, the Minister has established a Forestry Strategy Consultative Committee (FSCC) to support this work. Members of the FSCC have been selected from a broad range of relevant stakeholders. This Committee have established a range of sub-groups to inform its activities, and in this regard will convene a specific subgroup which will work as a task force to ensure a greater level of engagement and action on ash dieback and other forest health matters.
In July 2023 my Department launched the Reconstitution scheme for Ash Dieback under the new Programme 2023-27 with the following enhanced features:
- 100% increase in the site clearance grant rate, from €1,000 to €2,000.
- Enhanced replanting grant rates under the new Forestry Programme 2023-2027.
- Those applicants whose sites are still in premium will continue to receive the premium due for the remaining years.
- In addition, for those in receipt of farmer rate of premium, a top up premium equal to the difference between the equivalent forestry type and the existing premium will be paid. This will be calculated for the remaining years left in premium and paid in a single sum.
My Department continues to issue approvals under the Reconstitution scheme. Reconstitution Scheme approvals have issued for circa 2,000 ha in the past six months and applications for a further 1,500ha are currently being processed demonstrating increased demand for this scheme.
I would urge ash forest owners who have not yet availed of the scheme to assist them in clearing their sites and replanting, to do so now. They will not be disadvantaged in relation to any further initiatives under the action plan.