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JobBridge offers chance to get back on ladder to full time employment

Fine Gael TD for Cork East, David Stanton has welcomed the launch of the Government’s new internship scheme, which will provide 5,000 places for people who are unemployed and are struggling to access the jobs market.

“JobBridge, the new National Internship Programme, is a very welcome initiative, which should help thousands of people on the Live Register to gain access to the jobs market. There are a huge number of very talented people who are out of work at present; this scheme will offer many of them the chance to get back on the ladder to full time employment.

“I understand that hundreds of companies have already expressed interest in the programme, ranging from semi-state bodies to multinational corporations. Figures from the Department suggest that 300 organisations have indicated that they will take on 1,000 interns between them. I feel that this is a hugely positive start and I hope a sign that take-up for the scheme will be significant.

“Anyone who has been on the Live Register for at least three months is eligible to apply for the scheme. Internships will run for six or nine months and the interns will receive an allowance of €50 a week, on top of their existing social welfare entitlements. This top-up will be covered by the Department of Social Protection, meaning there will be no additional cost for employers.

“I am encouraging job seekers and employers across the East Cork area to check out this new scheme. It should be beneficial for participants on both sides. For jobseekers, the programme offers invaluable hands-on experience and access to contacts that can only enhance the possibility of securing full-time employment. For the companies involved, the scheme allows them to bring talented and enthusiastic individuals into their organisation. I would be hopeful that many of the interns who are taken on would have a chance to become full-time employees of the company in the long run.

“If anyone is interested in signing up for this scheme they should log onto now for more information.”