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For Written Answer on : 31/05/2022
Question Number(s): 372 Question Reference(s): 27225/22
Department: Education
Asked by: David Stanton T.D.


To ask the Minister for Education the role that her Department played, if any, in the creation of a new road to service a proposed new school campus in Carrigtwohill, County Cork; the amount, if any, that was made available by her Department by way of funding for the construction of the road; if her Department has any role in requesting that the road be taken in charge by Cork County Council and if so, if this has happened or will happen in the near future so that the road can be opened to the public; and if she will make a statement on the matter.


The planning permission for the school project referred to by the Deputy included planning permission for the roads and was subject to 57 conditions most of which related to the specification and construction of the significant road network be built by a third party developer and which is essential to access the school site.

My Department, through its Project Managers and their Design Team, has worked closely with the developer and the Local Authority in relation to the necessary planning compliance documentation for both the schools and the roads. Following agreement with the local authority on compliance matters, the developer commenced and has completed construction of the roads.

My Department has also agreed in principle to the payment of a development contribution to the Local Authority which will allow the Local Authority to progress the necessary upgrades and traffic management measures necessary on the existing public roads network, mainly along Station Road. The Local Authority will shortly confirm the exact amount of the Development Contribution.

The new roads when taken in charge by the local authority will allow access to the school campus and will require a joint application to the local authority from my Department and the third party developer to have the roads taken in charge.